Levelling Up
We all experience every emotion there is and there is nothing wrong with that.
Live in that emotion for too long, and you will start to shape your life in accordance with that emotion.
There are no positive or negative emotions; we might like some emotions more than others because of how we have been programmed in our past.
What we might call bad emotions are things like; fear, anxiety, boredom, pain and anger, but these are in fact not bad emotions. We need these emotions as they in fact serve us as an indicator, just as, for example, the light inside a car would serve the driver. These bad, or should we say “negative emotions”, are there to let you know that there is a slight problem that we need to be aware of and possibly make a change to before things get any worse. One doesn’t shy away completely from indicator lights in a vehicle, but rather uses these lights to get the car back on track and function at its perfect levels.
The emotions we tend to call good emotions; happy, excited, love and joy are there to inform us that we are on the correct path that is consistent to our values.
However, these “good” emotional feelings are not necessarily always good. You might enjoy the feeling of lying in bed all day, eating junk food and watching tv because it “feels” good, and you could very much think that you need to continue on this course. However, I don’t need to tell you that if all you do is lie in bed all day watching Netflix and eating fast-food, that you are not living consistently with who you are and your highest values.
So not all “good” emotions are actually good for you.
Does that mean that negative/bad emotions are actually better for us than good emotions?
Because we can use bad or negative emotions to get us back on track to where we are going and what we want to achieve.
We want to use our emotions; we don’t want to let our emotions use us.
As we do different acts or activities in life we will have different experiences.
Class 1 experiences:
We might engage in an activity that might feel good to us in the moment, we also understand that doing that act will be good for us in the long term and this act could be good for others and the greater good.
Class 2 experiences:
Doesn’t feel good to us, but is good for us and is good for others and serves the greater good.
Class 3 experiences:
Feels good, but isn’t good for us, isn’t good for others and doesn’t serve the greater good.
Class 4 experiences:
Doesn’t feel good, isn’t good for us, isn’t good for others and doesn’t serve the greater good.
We obviously want to avoid class 4 experiences all together, the indicator light is on and we understand that there is nothing good about doing this level of activity and need to stop.
Class 3 experiences are a trap, because in the moment it feels good, but really serves no other purpose, and we need to be careful of falling victim to this trap of instant gratification, i.e. eating junk food, watching tv, lying in bed all day.
Class 1 experiences are really letting us know that we are on track and living in accordance with who we are at present. We are happy, we are comfortable and we are being of service to the world.
However, can we really be of service to the world unless we are growing and expanding?
To be of service to the world, we as individuals need to grow and get better so that we can share those gifts with the world. Remaining in a class 1 experience is great if you wish to stay at the same level of achievement you are currently experiencing.
The magic happens in class 2 experiences. Why? Because this is where the real growth takes place. We need to feel that level of discomfort; we need to push through the pain, the hardship and the difficulty to gain the strength to become better.
We need to find class 2 experiences, things that don’t feel good in the moment, but are good for us, are good for others and serves the greater good.
Think of eating your vegetables, think of doing your push-ups, waking up early when you’re tired, learning when you can’t concentrate. All of these are doing activities that will help you expand out of your comfort zone and grow.
You first need to come to the realization that class 2 experience is where you need to spend your time and the way to do that is to position them in your mind as if they are class 1 experiences. How do you do that? You need to link up in your head the benefits that you will derive from spending time in an uncomfortable emotional feel, which when you do is to your benefit, to the benefit of others and serves the world in a better way.
Find your class 2 experiences, link up the positives to doing those activities and enjoy the growth you will experience spending time there.
I look forward to who you are becoming by putting yourself into those class 2 experiences.
There is no growth without feeling uncomfortable, otherwise, your life will remain the same forever.